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Launch a Gray Ducks Kickball team within Stonewall Minneapolis, Cities Sports Connection or the Minneapolis Parks and Rec Program. We can help!
Gay leagues? Yes
Str8 Leagues? Yes
Gay softball is certainly among the largest sporting organizations in Minnesota. We'd love to help bring the Gray Ducks name and theme to the Twin Cities Goodtime Softball League.
Gay leagues? Yes
Str8 Leagues? Yes
Hit the court within the Cities Sports Connection under the Gray Ducks name.
Gay leagues? No
Str8 Leagues? Yes
We're open to other sports too whether it's bowling, ultimate frisbee, water polo, dodgeball, individual sports, or otherwise. We're stronger as a community.
The forecasted next addition to Gray Ducks sports is Pickleball.
The Mayhem RFC rugby club is the only one of it's kind in Minnesota and competes locally in leagues, and at international competitions.
Competitive LGBTQ+ Swim Club based in Minnesota, members of the IGLA Masters Level. Learn more by joining their Facebook Group Here
Stonewall Sports delivers the most inclusive and fun sports programming in the Twin Cities. Check out all their offerings.
Twin Cities Goodtime Softball League is among the largest gay sporting groups in the area. A wide array of levels and THE it sport of summer.
GLASS is home to LGBTQ Volleyball in the Minneapolis area serving up league and pickup play on a weekly basis.
The MSP Frontrunners are the LGBT specific running group in the Twin Cities on a year round basis.
It's our goal to create new and exciting sporting opportunities for LGBTQ+ persons and Allies.
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